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2020 年 3 月 1 日,嘉汇橡树外国语学校暨大连王府高级中学成功举办 「停课不停学」 线上动员活动,全校师生用行动传递正能量,为抗击疫情助力。



活动在一场云升旗中拉开帷幕,伴随着雄壮的 《义勇军进行曲》,全体师生面向视频中的国旗方向行注目礼,少先队员行队礼。庄严肃穆是橡树人的厚蕴,凝神聚气是我们对祖国深沉的爱。



师生们共同观看了 《战 「疫」 中的国》,向英雄致敬。



「同学们,这个时代从来不缺乏有知识的人,缺的是从心底里散发出真心、正义和无畏的世界公民。」 张晓敏总校长为动员活动做了精彩的致辞,对同学们提出了殷切的希望。




疫情相隔,橡树师生们虽不能在校园团聚,但他们勇披铠甲,把 「爱」 当作 「武器」,用独有的方式,点亮希望之光。师生们共同观看了视频 《战 「疫」 中的橡树人》,了解身边人的抗击疫情的感人故事,感受橡树人的胸怀和担当。



「少年强则国强」,小学部的史雨荷同学,初中部的胡效乾同学,高中部的肖宇轩和郭永臻同学代表各学部同学进行了讲话,他们都表达了对那些抗击疫情的 「最美逆行者」 的崇敬,并在英雄精神的指引下,在新学期重返学习巅峰,只争朝夕,不负韶华。

「疫」 动情牵,备受鼓舞,英雄指引,师生随行,本次活动取得了圆满成功。「莫道浮云终蔽日,严冬过尽绽春蕾。」 可以预见,在疫情下,学校的各项工作仍然会有诸多难题,但是全校上下将全力铸就保障线上教学的 「空中防线」,隔离不隔爱,停课不停学。


相信在全校师生的共同努力下,橡树战 「疫」 的胜利即将到来,让我们一起期待大地复苏,春暖花开,在美丽的橡树校园再相逢!

As the year of the rat begins, a new virus has spread across China. Whilst people were fearful at first, everyone then came together as a nation.
Now the new semester has arrived,it is the responsibility our responsibility to gather our strength and contribute to the needs of all.
On March 1st 2020, Jiahui Oak Foreign Language School and Dalian Royal School successfully held an online activity- 『Changing Classes and non-closing classes』. Teachers and students alike used their positive energy to act in the fight against the virus.
The event officially began with a special flag raising ceremony. With the "March of the Volunteer Army", all teachers and students paid attention to the national flag in the video, and the young pioneers performed a ceremony in a group. All the community of Oak campus were sincere and profound in their observance, showing the deep love of teachers and students for the motherland.
Teachers and students watched the "Country in the Battle of the Epidemic-Salute to Heroes". In this battle, the 『angels in white』 and the 『People's Liberation Army』 confronted death at the front line of the epidemic. They have put their bodies and lives on the line for the defense of others. The efforts of these heroes bring tears to the people of China!
Classmates, there is no shortage of knowledgeable people in this era. What is missing is the sincere, righteous and fearless world citizen."
Principal Zhang Xiaomin gave a wonderful speech as part of the activity raising the enthusiasm of the students. She proclaimed 「Hope is sharing the destiny of our countrymen. Being in awe of nature is protecting the earth; being brave, strong, optimistic and kind is the best achievement of a person』s character.
She continued whilst being rooted in China, the teachers, students and community of Oak must show leadership, grow holistically and develop an international perspective in this new era.
The epidemic situation has separated us, however, although the teachers and students of Oak cannot be reunited on campus, they unite in their own unique way and come together using their love for each other and their country as a weapon. Teachers and students watched the video "Oak People in the War-Epidemic-Records of Epidemic Resistance of Oak Teachers and Students" to understand the touching story of the people around them to fight the epidemic.
"Youth is strong, country is strong", Shi Yuhe from the Primary School, Hu Xiaogan from Middle School, Xiao Yuxuan and Guo Yongzhen from High School gave speeches on behalf of the students in the school. With great respect and under the guidance of the heroic spirit of the nation, they encouraged a return to learning in the new semester.
The heroes of the "epidemic" emotionally inspired teachers and students. The event was a complete success.
"Mo Dao will be covered by clouds, and the severe winter will be full of spring buds." It is likely that under the epidemic there will still be many difficulties in the various tasks of the school, but the whole school will work hard to create a 『defensive line』 to ensure online teaching is a success and supports students in their learning. It is believed that with the joint efforts of the teachers and students of the school, the victory of the 『Oak War』 on the "epidemic" is coming.
Let us look forward to the time of recovery, the spring blossoming, and the coming together again in the beautiful Oak Campus!

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