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「停课不停学」 期间我校德育工作也面临着巨大的挑战。2020 年 2 月刘舒婧校长根据教育部的统一布署,研究线上德育教育规律与特点,指导 SSC 对德育工作制定了详细的工作方案,将德育教育从线下转入线上,全新形式的德育工作模式就此展开。

Due to the epidemic situation, the moral education of our school has faced great challenges during this period of 「suspension of classes without suspension of learning」. In February 2020, Principal LIU Shujing, according to the unified deployment of the Ministry of Education, studied the laws and characteristics of online moral education, guided SSC to formulate a detailed work plan for moral education, and transferred moral education from offline to online, thus launching a new form of moral education.

01 开展战 「疫」 专题教育
Special Education on the 「Epidemic」

按照教育部的通知精神, 通过视频、推文等形式开展战 「疫」 专题教育,强化爱国主义教育引领, 注重将战 「疫」 先进事迹教育和防疫知识、生命教育、公共安全教育、心理健康教育等作为重要学习内容,引导学生正确认识人与社会、自然的关系,尊重客观世界、科学理性行事,培养学生爱党爱国爱人民爱社会主义的思想情感。

In accordance with the spirit of the Ministry of Education, DRS has carried out special education on the current epidemic in the form of videos and online, strengthening the guidance of patriotic education, and paying attention to the education of advanced deeds of fighting the epidemic. In addition, DRS has designated the knowledge of epidemic prevention, life education, public safety education, and mental health education as important learning contents. This is in order to guide students to correctly understand the relationship between man, society and nature through respecting the objective world, acting scientifically and rationally, and cultivating students' thoughts and emotions of loving the party, patriotism, people, and socialism.

1. 心理健康系列教育
a. 疫情下如何保持心理健康
b. 疫情中高中生的心理防护
c. 珍爱生命
d. 遇挫折 不挫败
e. 触手可及的正能量

A Series of Mental Health Education.
1. How to maintain mental health under the epidemic situation.
2. Psychological protection of senior high school students in the epidemic.
3. Cherish life
4. Do not be frustrated in the face of setbacks.
5. Positive energy within reach

2. 先进事迹教育
1.「疫」 线绽放 她们最美
2. 向新时代最可爱的人致敬
3. 致敬她力量

Meritorious Deeds Education.
1. She Beauty blossom in the epidemic
2. Salute to the great people in the new era.
3. Salute to Her

3. 疫情教育、公共安全教育
1. 关于新冠肺炎的最新判断,一图读懂
2. 疫情防控指南
3. 新型冠状脑炎防控方案 (第六版)
4. 最新疫情通报

Epidemic Education and Public Safety Education.
1. Latest judgment of COVID-19
2. Guidelines for epidemic prevention and control.
3. A new scheme for prevention and control of coronal encephalitis (the 6th edition)
4. The latest epidemic situation report

02 配合教学, 开展一系列工作助力教学有效开展
Cooperate with the teaching, carry out a series of work to help the effective teaching

1. 在线辅导、在线体育健康计划、晚自习指导情况等建议收集与反馈。
SSC 对 「停课不停学」 工作的基本情况,通过学生和家长反馈的形式收集各方面建议,配合 ESC 了解掌握学生和家长的实际需求,最大限度地克服线上 「隔空」 教学存在的不足。

In coooperation with teaching, DRS is carrying out a series of work to promote the effective development of teaching such as online tutoring, online sports health plan, evening self-study guidance and other suggestions to collect and feedback. With regard to the basic situation of "no school suspension" work, SSC has collected suggestions from all aspects in the form of feedback from students and parents, and cooperated with ESC to understand the actual needs of students and parents, so as to overcome the shortcomings of online "space" teaching to the maximum extent.

2. 在线体育健康计划
按照教育部在 「停课不停学」 在线学习中总体部署, 根据国家体育总局体育活动时间建议,在学术校长组织和协调下,SSC 组织体育在线活动,每天上午和下午各进行 20 分钟的在线健康体育锻炼计划。目的是培养学生科学运动习惯,提高自身免疫力,以更好的状态对抗疫情,保持健康。

Online Exercise Plan
According to the overall arrangement of the Ministry of Education in the online learning of 「suspension of classes without suspension of learning」, as well as the sports activity time proposal of the State Sports General Administration, and under the organisation and coordination of Academic Principal , SSC has organized online sports activities and carried out an online health physical exercise program of 20 minutes in the morning and afternoon every day. The aim is to cultivate students' scientific exercise habits, improve their own immunity, and fight the epidemic situation in a better state in order to keep healthy.

3. 组织校长在线见面会、「停课不停学」 在线动员会、在线班会
SSC 组织校长在线见面会、「停课不停学」 在线动员会、在线班会等一系列仪式感的在线活动, 培养 「爱国、爱校、爱班、爱家」 的新时代奋斗者。

A series of ceremonial online activities, such as headmaster online meetings, "no class suspension" online mobilization meetings, SSC online class meetings, as well as ceremonial online activities such as "school suspension" online mobilization meetings have been organised to train "patriotic, school-loving, class-loving, family-loving" strivers in the new era.

4. 班主任在线培训会
SSC 不定期组织班主任在线培训会,提高班主任的专业工作能力和工作技能,以更好的辅助教学及各部门开展工作。

SSC has organized online training sessions for head teachers from time to time to improve their professional working ability and skills so as to better assist teaching and various departments in carrying out their integral work.

5. 家校沟通
班主任作为家校沟通桥梁, 在特殊时期一直保持着密切家校沟通,有针对性地做好延期开学的宣传解释和线上学习的指导服务工作,平均周沟通率高达 80% 以上,得到了家长高度认可和支持。

The head teacher of home-school communication has always maintained close relationships between school and home in the special period, and has done a good job in publicising and explaining the postponement of the school year as well as providing guidance and services for online learning. The average weekly communication rate is as high as 80% and has been highly recognised and supported by parents.

6. 与学生沟通
班主任积极与学生沟通, 平均周沟通率达 75% 以上。帮助学生解决线上学习期间存在的各方面实际困难,在确保 「一个都不能掉队」 的路上全力以赴。

The head teacher actively communicates with the students, with an average weekly communication rate of more than 75%. Further they help students solve all kinds of practical difficulties during online studying, and do their best to ensure that "no one can be left behind".

03 与公益同行—全球公民的成长之路
Working with public welfare- the growth road of global citizens

成为全球公民, 是我校培养国际复合型精英领袖人才目标之一, 也是德育目标之一, 为此 SSC 指导学生会开展公益活动, 提高学生社会责任感和公益意识。

Becoming global citizens is one of the goals of our school as well as being one of the goals of moral education. Therefore, SSC guides the students' union to carry out public welfare activities to improve students' sense of social responsibility and awareness of public welfare.

1. 学生会面向全校师生组织抗疫捐款
2020 年 1 月 25 日,学生会成立 「短期援鄂行动小组」,发出捐款倡议, 积极开展捐款活动,尽微薄之力践行勇于承担的精神。

On January 25, 2020, the Student Union set up a "Short-Term Action Group on Aid to Hubei" to actively carry out donation activities and make modest efforts to carry out the spirit of commitment.

2. 学生会与联合国妇女署共同启动 「学习她精神 支持她力量」3 月宣传工作
在 SSC 积极沟通和协调下,学生会与联合国妇女署联合开展青少年性别平等活动 「创建和谐性别关系领导力」 项目,旨在推动中国各地的男性、女性、男孩和女孩积极转变对性别平等的态度及行为,预防及应对性别歧视和暴力。推广健康的性别关系。

The Student Union and UN-Women jointly launched the March campaign to "Learn from Her Spirit and Support her Strength". Under the active communication and coordination of SSC, the Student Union and UN-Women jointly launched the youth and gender equality activity "Leadership in Creating Harmonious Gender Relations", which aims to promote women, men, girls and boys to actively change their attitudes and behaviors towards gender equality and to prevent and respond to gender discrimination and violence.

三月宣传主题为 「学习她精神 支持她力量」,将通过多种形式推动性别平等。SSC 在线德育教育,与你同行!

The March campaign, entitled "Learn from her Spirit and Support her Strength" will promote gender equality in a variety of ways.


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