「停课不停学」 第二周,橡树初中迎来了自治主题周。德育处统筹兼顾,班主任精准引导。教育途径改变但教育效果不变,扎实推进网络 「云德育」。
橡树初中高度重视德育晨会,联合音乐与心理老师多维打造最橡树的 「云晨会」。德育处运筹帷幄,高屋建瓴,提出晨会总纲领,音乐老师组织校合唱队为爱发声,宅家录制歌曲;心理老师精心制作小微课,关注疫情期间学生的心理健康;班主任线上研讨,集思广益,共享智慧,以积极的热情投身到新的教育方式中。
抗击疫情,「疫」 不容辞。开学延期,晨会进行时,站好第一班岗,引导孩子们用知识缝制铠甲,披甲上阵,不惧艰辛,勇敢前行!
Study at home----Students are the master of themselves
The theme of the second week of studying online is self-discipline. 9 March, 2020----Be the master of time. Time flies, we should be the master of times. What』s more, plans and time management tables could help us increase the efficiency of study. 10 March, 2020----The strategies of self-discipline. Follow the teachers in class. Try to think, practice and summarize. The students can experience the joy of learning while seeking the learning methods. Just as an old saying goes 「As Heaven keeps vigor through movement, a gentleman should strive unceasingly to become stronger, working hard to improve oneself.」11 March, 2020-----Good habits. Stick to the habit of eye exercises and book reading. 12 March, 2020-----Independence. Students tidy up the desk and the room by themselves. They do the housework and cook meals for their family. During their staying at home, they have grown up quickly. 13 March, 2020----Fighting the virus with a healthy body. Students do the exercises at home and stick to it. JH Oak junior high school attaches great importance to moral education during the morning meeting. Music and psychology teachers has created the unique "cloud morning meetings". Homeroom teachers discussed online and shared wisdom to find new ways of teaching online.