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在全球抗击 COVID19 的战疫中,大连王府高级中学持续分享中国师生如何应对在线教育的挑战、学习和实践理念。

As a world fighting the pandemic of the COVID19, Dalian Royal School continues to share its practice and learning about how China, its teachers and students have adapted to the challenges of continuing education online.

在过去的 10 周里,高中学生一直在使用远程和在线学习的方式继续学习 AS 和 AL 课程。教师们一直在努力确保对学习的干扰降至最低,以显示他们的专业精神和对王府高中学生的关心。

Senior High School students have continued to work on their AS and AL courses using distance and online learning for the last 10 weeks. Teachers have worked hard to ensure the disruption to learning has been minimal, showing their professionalism and care for the students at DRS.

学术校长收到了来自她家乡英国一所学校的邀请,与圣马丁斯学校的领导们进行一场线上交流讨论。校长 Lee Jarvis 主持整个会议讨论,带领其团队都向学术校长了解她在中国的经历以及师生们的管理情况。

Academic Principal May received a request from a school in her hometown in the UK to lead a discussion session with the Senior Leadership team of St Martins School. Headteacher, Lee Jarvis, led the questioning, with the whole team asking Principal May about her experiences in China and how teachers and students were managing.


Principal May shared the school』s journey to online teaching, the training received by teachers and the involvement of parents and students in the organisation of the schools structure. The UK team found the approach fascinating and compared it very openly to their current experiences. Live teaching, training teachers in the use of technology, attendance of students, engagement and wellbeing were all areas discussed.

Jarvis 校长将负责学校重启计划,他对中国的教育局和校方为确保师生安全而进行的工作给予认同和赞扬。

Mr Jarvis, who will be responsible for the schools re-opening plan was interested in the work that the Education Bureau and school teams were undertaking to ensure the safety of teachers and students.

周三和周四,圣马丁斯分管学习和教学的副校长 Claire Manson 女士参加了一些在线课程,体验了我们的学生和教师实际学习生活。首先,Manson 女士与袁畅博士一起参加了 AS 11 年级的经济学课程,在那里,学生们深入讲解了如何进行论文写作和图表的使用。Manson 女士对学生流利的英语、丰富的知识以及解释和应用经济学知识的能力印象深刻。

On Wednesday and Thursday, Ms Claire Manson, St Martins Assistant Headteacher in charge of learning and teaching, joined some of the online classes the gain an experience of life for our students and teachers. Firstly, Ms Manson joined the AS Grade 11 Economics class with Jennifer Yuan, where the students explained in depth how to develop essay writing and the use of diagrams within AS level. Ms Manson was impressed with their English fluency, their knowledge and ability to explain and apply their Economics learning.

然后,Manson 女士参加了由 Mark Roberts 老师主讲的 G10 年级的一堂心理学课。学生们认为学习理论是非常有帮助的。学生们全身心地投入到关于条件作用的讨论中,并且围绕不同类型的成瘾习性以及原因展开辩论,通过使用特定学科的术语,显示了他们的知识和理解力。在 Mark 老师的指导下,学生不仅能够将这些知识应用于理论,并将其应用于实际生活中的事例,更足以说明学生充分掌握了所学知识。

Ms Manson then visited a Psychology class with G10 students and teacher Mark Roberts. Students were considering Learning Theory as an explanation of addition. The group were fully engaged in a discussion about conditioning. Students debated around different types of addiction and why these occurs. They used subject specific terminology well, showing their knowledge and understanding. Through Mark』s guidance, students were able to apply these to theories to practical and real life examples, which supported the students in mastering the knowledge and making it stick.

在与 John Hamhill 一起上的生物课上,Manson 女士看到学生们正在就他们的研究主题进行讨论,John 在分组讨论中使用 「批判性朋友」 的方法,让学生们相互学习。她还观察了 John 给学生提供反馈和建议的一对一指导。

In a Biology lesson with John Hamhill, Ms Manson saw students engaged in discussions on their research topics, with John using a 『critical friend』 approach in breakout rooms, allowing students to learn from each other. She also observed one to one sessions where John gave feedback and advice to students.

课程结束后,学术校长和 ESC 团队负责人赵老师与 Manson 女士一同讨论她的学习情况。学生的知识和老师用来让学生思考更深层次的提问给她留下了非常深刻的印象,她还喜欢课程的组织方式,并评论了学生在自己的学习中的积极参与以及他们相互学习的意愿。同时双方还讨论了建立进一步联系与合作及建立教师专业学习的 「教学会议」 的可能性。

Following the lesson, Principal May and ESC led Yolanda Zhao met with Ms Manson to discuss her learning. She was very impressed with the students knowledge and the questioning used by teachers to make students think deeper. She also liked the way sessions were structured and commented on the positive engagement of students in their own learning and their willingness to learn from each other. The schools discussed the possibility of further connections, with the opportunity to join 『Teach Meets』 used for professional learning of teachers.

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