6 月 2 日、3 日,橡树初中迎来了 2020 年度初三模拟考试。中考五十天誓师大会上老师们殷殷的希望;多少个日月星辰,有教师的守护与陪伴,护航学子考出自己最佳状态。
On June 2nd and 3rd, JH Oak Foreign Language Middle School ushered in the 2020 junior high school model test. The students walked into the examination room confidently. They tried their best to gain a higher score. While the students were taking the exam, teachers of the same subject were also taking the exam. At the same time, teachers thought and explored the educational focus behind each question. After taking the exam, teachers took the teaching and research group as the unit and discussed carefully. They summarized and adjusted their teaching strategies and pace in the next stage.