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七月的骄阳,如火如荼,把党豪放的炽热挥洒大地。七月的党旗,如日中天,把党真挚的爱洒满人间。难忘南湖的红船,是党带领我们勇往直前,革命从这里掀起了新的诗篇。走过六月,就是党的 100 华诞。在党的生日来临之际,王府初中部全体师生举行了一次特殊的升旗仪式,以崇高的敬意和饱满的热情为党献礼。



由马西萍校长、侯楠、孙锦桥、梁馨元四位老师及七年一班学生们带来诗朗诵 《呼唤你的名字》——「轻轻地我们呼唤你的名字,你把名字融进了历史的长河里,历史为你的名字而朗朗高歌!千万次地呼唤你——我的母亲,亲爱的党!亲爱的党,我的母亲!」

回顾历史,党的儿女们为了今天的幸福生活付出的太多太多,他们是东北抗日联军杨靖宇,革命女英雄赵一曼,人民科学家钱学森,金银潭医院院长张定宇……七年一班的学生们娓娓道来……今天,我们回顾历史,不仅是缅怀党的光辉业绩,更重要的是着眼新世纪。升旗仪式在师生合唱 《没有共产党就没有新中国》 中接近尾声。作为新世纪的青少年,要肩负起党和祖国人民的重托,把一切都奉献给党,奉献给亲爱的母亲! 学生们庄严承诺:「放心吧!我们的党,我们的祖国。新一代正接受你们庄严地检阅! 我们会缅怀过去,牢记沉甸甸的嘱托; 面向未来,为党旗续写新的一页!」

On the occasion of the 100th birthday of the Communist Party of China, all the teachers and students of the Junior High School of the Royal Palace of Dalian held a special flag raising ceremony to pay tribute to the party with high respect and full enthusiasm. A number of excellent teachers who are also members of the party, such as Zhang Hui, Xu Honglin, Fu Yang, Cong Min, Xia Guoxin, Shi Hong, Zhang Yan, Li Yan as well as all the students from Class 1 Grade Seven raised the flag together. Also the students and four teachers, Ma Xiping, Hou Nan, Sun Jinqiao and Liang Xinyuan recited the poem together. Students expressed their attachment to the party through the ceremony and express their affection for the motherland. Let』s look back on history and cherish today』s happy life.

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