7 月 13 日上午,大连王府高中国际部首届科学节汇报展演在学校多功能厅圆满落幕。参展作品涵盖多个学科,与社会生活息息相关,体现了学生们扎实的学科基础,对生活的细心观察和认真思考。此次科学节活动由科学组发起,学科组长 Mr.Hamill 先生作为总负责人。为帮助学生们完成项目,科学组的老师们认真筹备撰写了 《科学展手册》,成立了课外俱乐部,每周五下午固定召开学术会议。在举办科学节的同时,英语组还开设了学术写作课程作为此项活动的补充,帮助学生提升英语实际运用能力——阅读和撰写英语学术论文。随着项目的进展,导师们持续不断地提供学术和英语的双向支持。
01 PART 一等奖
Efficiencycomparison of using AI to manage a stock control system versus stock countmethod employed in traditional commercial outlets.
在学校举办的科学节中,我们设计了一个无人超市售货系统。但是由于这个项目过于复杂,我们在现阶段只做了系统后台的数据分析部分。首先,利用程序构造出可供使用的数据集。接着,把所有的商品分类放到五个货架上,并根据利润替换货品。我们还创造出了计算商品前景的公式。在此基础上,利用 PED 等经济知识计算出每个商品利润最大时的销售额及销售数量,并在已有的分析结果基础上,利用经济学和数学结合的公式,算出每个商品的最佳售价和下一阶段进货的最佳库存数量。利用这个系统,商家可以通过调控价格达到收益最大化,也可以提高库存的利用率,降低数据分析的人工费等等。除此之外,我们所创造的智能超市会利用图像识别来分辨客户所选的商品,因此在结账时就不需要扫描商品条形码了。未来,我们还会不断优化此系统,努力创造出属于可落地使用的智能零售系统。
02 PART 二等奖
An investigation into the bioburden load found onpublic bathroom curtains.
作为学习生物的学生,我们把目光聚焦到了细菌上,在 Mr.Hamill 先生的帮助下选择了一个十分有趣的课题——「探究卫生间遮帘的生物负担」。通俗来说,就是探究卫生间遮帘细菌数量及生长位置。通过制作模具,收集、培养细菌,计算数据,设计步骤,最后得出结论。关于未来进一步的实验,我们想在各种各样的织物中找出一种最适用于卫生间遮挡且细菌最不易滋生的产品,并应用到实际生活。
通过这次活动,我们也把 「细菌无处不在,洗手成为习惯」 的理念分享给了同学们,号召同学们关注个人卫生。本次项目学习我们收获颇丰,懂得了科学实验需要坚持不懈,深刻理解了团队合作的重要性。对我们来说,参加科学节是非常棒的决定!
Effect of blade number on the power output of awindmill generator.
03PART 三等奖
Impact of vocabulary size on Chinese high schoolstudents as a predictor of IELTS score.
在这几个月的科学节中,我们对雅思阅读分数和英语词汇量之间的关系展开了研究。通过收集高一、高二学生过去雅思阅读考试成绩以及网络词汇量的数据,我们运用统计学卡方检验原理检测出了两者之间存在的联系,并画出趋势散点图。由此发现大于 7000 的词汇量才是严重影响阅读成绩的因素。
An analysis of body satisfaction, self-esteem andregular eating habits.
我们以调查问卷的形式调查了大连王府高级中学内部 73 名师生、部分校外家长和朋友们。调查问卷的问题主要是关于人们的年龄、饮食习惯、对自己身材的看法、身材管理、对当今社会现象的看法五大方面的问题。我们对不同年龄的人进行了分组,分别分析了这五组数据。
From John Hamill
DRS』s Science Fairprogramme is an excellent opportunity for students to choose an area ofinterest, conduct in-depth research and demonstrate problem solving,decision-making, and independent learning skills. It contributes to the strongacademic program of challenging courses and practical experiences on offer atDRS and prepares students for the next step when pursuing further education.This experience fosters students as active learners, and develops capabilitiesnot conventionally taught such as the ability to work independently. It alsoengages students in complex, challenging tasks allowing integration of learning,generation of knowledge, reflection and creation of a final product reflecting21st century global demands required of all students.
Science Fair can be broken down into 3 main stages: aliterature review and scientific report, a project display board and finally anoral presentation with follow up questions. To assist students with these taskswe prepared a 『Science Fair Manual』 and set up an extra-curricular club thatmeets each Friday afternoon. The first few meetings of club focused on theacademic style expected. Science Fair has high standards in terms of content,structure, formatting and referencing. Students must follow the standardscientific process to design their project, collect data, conclude results, andanalyse validity in order to identify error and suggest improvements.
Concurrent with Science Fair, the English Departmenthas developed an academic writing course which complements the programme toassist students in the reading of academic papers, as well as eliciting keyinformation pertinent to their chosen topic. Of course, club tutors have beenthere to provide ongoing English and scientific support as the projectsprogressed.
In order to further develop not only the validity oftheir research, but also students』 abilities to make connections, all groupshave been encouraged to make industry contacts to discuss their project andgain advice from professionals. One group made video conference calls withAmazon Web Services in Sydney, Australia where they were able to be pointed inthe right direction on some issues as well as receive several useful resourcesfor their project. Another group contacted a gut microbiome testing laboratoryin Shanghai to help inform their initial background research.
Some of the working titles for this year』s ScienceFair included:
- Efficiency comparison of using AI to manage a stock controlsystem versus stock count method employed in traditional commercial outlets.
- An analysis of body satisfaction, self-esteem and regulareating habits.
- Impact of vocabulary size on Chinese high school students asa predictor of IELTS score.
- An investigation into the bioburden load found on publicbathroom curtains.
- Effect of blade number on the power output of a windmillgenerator.
- Influence of camera pixel density on tracking quality of amotion capture programme.
On Tuesday morning Science Fair students prepared forthe culmination of all their hard work. Reports were printed and bound, displayboards were finalised and displayed along-side supporting apparatus andquestionnaires. Then, all students and teachers were invited to an 『Open House』where they had the opportunity to mingle with the teams and discuss theirresearch and findings.
Following the Open House, each team presented theirresearch in the Lecture Hall. All the teams preformed eloquent and professionalpitches of their projects and displayed their critical thinking abilities byevaluating their research to identify errors in their methodologies, areas forimprovement and recommendations as to why and how their work is important. Theyalso faced grilling questions from the panel of Judges.
In summary, I am extremely proud of the effort andhard work all students in the Science Fair group have put in over the previoussix months to get to this point. I can safely say that everyone in attendanceof the presentations were suitably impressed with the results and I lookforward to leading the team next year and to continue to improve the standards.I hope to see some teams return to further develop their research. Well doneeveryone!